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Government Of Assam Higher Education DIRECTORATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION

Functions and Objectives


  1. The Higher Education Department is responsible for coordinating and liasioning activities pertaining to the implementation of  the Govt. policies and performances by the Directorate of Higher Education, Directorate of Technical Education, Directorate of Historical& Antiquarian Studies, RUSA and District Gazetter.
  2. The Department also formulates policy guidelines for proper implementation of education facilities in the State.
  3. The Higher & Technical Education Department is also responsible for promoting/developing human resources
  4. Augmentation and modernization of the existing Higher & Technical Educational institutes.
  5. Introduction of new and relevant courses.


  1. To create better infrastructural facilities and also  provide better education in the society.
  2. Improving access to Higher and Technical Education for making inclusive growth.
  3. Reorientation of course curriculum and introduction of new courses .
  4. Faculty Development.